Tuesday 28 June 2016

Tony Campolo - what love requires

Heard Tony Campolo speak at Chautauqua in July, 2013

  • Love requires that you look into a person and not at a person
  • The need to connect into the deep recesses of a person's life
  • Story of Tony's praying for someone who ultimately died 
  • The story of the inner transformation
  • He wasn't cured but he was healed.
  • When you enter into people's sufferings you are exhausted
  • Eyeball to eyeball contact
  • Love is about connecting with people deeply. So deeply that it is draining
  • Story of Guy Doad, teacher - despised as a young boy, ridiculed by his classmates, uplifted by a teacher who said that he was a poet
  • Jesus - I felt power to flow out of me
  • There is an energy that flows from God through you to other people 
  • Blessed are those who are poor and willingly become poor
  • The story of Schlinder's list - I could be doing so much more
  • Going door to door offering to pray with people
  • The programs are already in place, but you have to go door to door to find the needy to connect them with the services
  • I want you to become poor people materially, spiritually
  • For these are my people says Jesus

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